Double-Ridge Lowpass Harmonic Filters

Double-Ridge Lowpass Harmonic Filters

SMC Offers a full range of double-ridge Lowpass Harmonic Filters covering the waveguide sizes WRD110 thru WRD750. Their superior electrical performance are characterized by low loss, wide-out-of-band rejection, in and out of band spurious free response and very high power handling capability due to our proprietary design techniques developed by SMC.


** Dimensions are listed in inches.


Specifications (50% Bandwidth)

Double-Ridge Waveguide Low Pass filter 50% BW

Pressurized and TVAC units are available based on the client requirement.
*WRD250S/WRD600 are SMC special designed double-ridge waveguide structures that cover extremely wide band 3:1.
*WRD600P is an SMC special designed double-ridge waveguide structure with exceptional high power handling capability.
Filters are available with coaxial and/or waveguide interfaces.

Model NumberWaveguide SizeFrequency RangeILRLDimension (L) inchDimension (L) inch
SMC-032D840WRD8400.84-2.00 GHz0.15203030
SMC-032D200WRD2002.00-4.80 GHz0.2201326
SMC-032D250S*WRD250S2.50-7.50 GHz0.2520815
SMC-032D250WRD2502.60-7.80 GHz0.2520813
SMC-032D350WRD3503.50-8.20 GHz0.318610
SMC-032D475WRD4754.75-11.00 GHz0.351859
SMC-032D500WRD5005.00-18.00 GHz0.41847
SMC-032D580WRD5805.80-16.00 GHz0.41845.75
SMC-032D600P*WRD600P6.00-12.00 GHz0.4184.755
SMC-032D600*WRD6006.00-18.00 GHz0.41844.75
SMC-032D650WRD6506.50-18.00 GHz0.41843.5
SMC-032D750WRD7507.50-18.00 GHz0.41843
SMC-032D180WRD18018.00-40.00 GHz0.6181.52.75

Specifications (100% Bandwidth)

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